README---------------------------- foodshed Hi-fi Prototype---------- Instructions---------------------- The prototype is a website, with the main page found at It can be accessed and used by any browser that is Javascript-enabled. The website should be treated like an app, so it is designed to be used on mobile devices (specifically developed on Samsung Galaxy S3 with additional testing on iPhone 5). From the homepage, the user taps in the 'tap to scan' box to scan the barcode displayed and go to the product page for that item. Due to the limitations of web development and our unfamiliarity with back-end web coding, the home page displays a constant image of an apple barcode and is not connected to the phone camera. In addition, when the barcode is scanned, the user is taken randomly to one of 5 different hard-coded apple products. Because the homepage chooses the product on loading, if one goes back to the homepage using the in-app or in-browser back buttons, the homepage will go to the same product on scanning. To reach a new random product, navigate to the home screen using the product page menu or refresh the home page. Additionally, the search functionality on the home page has not been implemented. Tapping the search icon on the app would bring up a search bar in which the user could search for products and producers, and choosing a result would take the user to the product page for that result. On the product page, all buttons and icons are functional. The dropdown menu navigates to either the home page or the relevant section on the product page, which can also be reached by scrolling. The 3 purple buttons in the header bar take the user to the alternatives page for the product, the score breakdown for the product, and favorite/unfavorite the product, respectively. The pencil icon in the local reviews section takes the user to a page where they can leave a review. Cookies must be enabled in the browser for the review functionality to work. Due to the limitations of the prototype, only one review apart from the default reviews can be added (leaving another review will replace the currently added one), and leaving a review for a product will reset the reviews for all other products. The map in the location section of the product page is locked for scrolling, so you cannot drag the map around to different locations. However, zoom in and zoom out are enabled for the map using the Google Maps API. On the alternatives page, the user should check at least one of the alternatives to the current product (noted in the header) in order to compare them. The user can also tap the names of the alternatives to go to their product pages. The message that shows up at first with instructions on how to use the page is intended to only show up the first time the user visits the page, but will appear every time the page is visited in the prototype due to its limitations. On the favorites page, the user should check at least two of the favorites to see their comparison. If the user selects one product, the comparison page will still open, but will not be meaningful (it will display only one product). As with the alternatives page, the message that shows up at first with instructions on how to use the page is intended to only show up the first time the user visits the page, but will appear every time the page is visited in the prototype due to its limitations. Deleting from favorites is functional, but in order for the changed favorites to persist, the user must navigate away from the favorites page using the compare button or the home button; using the back button will undo any deletions from favorites. The comparison page is fully functional.