autumn 2007

CS147: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design

Assignment 8: User Testing — Grade Value: 12.5%
Due by 11am on Thursday, November 29 (Submitted Online)


Your goal is to test your functional prototype with at least three different people, generate user feedback and insights, and use this to inform revisions to your prototype your final project.


Develop a user test plan. Your should first decide what type of study to run: an experiment or a user study. Base this decision on what you would like to learn. You should then prepare an outline or agenda of how the user study will be run, written introductions that you will read to participants, and any other materials that will be used during the study (e.g. post-test questionnaires and interview questions). This will be similar to what you did for the paper prototype, but with greater depth.

Your high-level goal is to find problems with your interface. Look for breakdowns and pain points in your interface (you might want to look at Nielson's 10 Usability Heuristics), and try to understand what the problems are and how you might fix them. If possible, try modifying or updating your prototype before continuing to the next user.

Consider the different types of user tests that one can run, and choose the type of user test that you believe makes the most sense for your project. Make sure you can justify this decision! A great way to do this is to begin by writing down exactly what you hope to learn from the study and then use this list to inform your study planning. Different styles of studies were discussed in the "evaluation" lecture, and are detailed in the Sharp, Rogers, and Preece reading accompanying that lecture.

As mentioned in the previous assignment, the more realistic your prototype is, the more likely you are to uncover unanticipated design errors as the application can be used more naturally.

You will use the results of this assignment to inform your final iterations and updates for your group project. For more information on the scope of the final project, see the final project page.

design goals

submit online

evaluation criteria

in studio

grading rubric

The assignment was graded out of 125 points. The points were broken down as follows:

student examples