Design for Agile Aging
Assignment 03: Poster

To be presented in class on Thursday 1/24 :

Each pair will present a poster that reflects a point of view for a design, based on their interview and observation. The poster should:

The posters should be around 3 feet square, whatever material, color, etc. you like. We'll stand them up or hang them. You'll have a chance to briefly describe your idea to the class and then we'll have time to walk around and go more deeply into ones that interest you. We'll have some of the design coaches there who will be helping out with the next part of the project, so they can meet you and see what you've done

At the end of the session we'll ask each of you to identify the ideas from all the posters that you would be most interested in developing further. We'll form teams of 3 or 4 on the basis of this, along with considering balance of disciplines and skills.

Also, please bring in your interview logs. We will take a look at them as we view the posters.

Note on privacy: We want to respect the privacy of the people you talk to and observe. For the purposes of materials that will be shown in class (but not distributed further), you can use photos that show identity (faces), and refer to informants by first names. Please don't use last names or further identifying information. These can be in your logs, since you need the information. When we choose materials to make public to show what we've done in the class, there will be further considerations.