Courseapp: Building software support for studio-based design classes


Project Overview

As part of the development of the CS147 (Intro to HCI) course, we have developed several iterations of course software that supports students submitting their assignments, sharing their design insights, and seeing other students' work. We're making our latest version, built using Django, available as open-source, in the hopes that it will be useful to other courses', in HCI or otherwise.

Instructors and Teaching Assistants can define weekly assignments or project assignments, and specify whether each assignment is a group project or an individual assignment. Students can attach photos, Word files, PDFs, or embed YouTube videos or other rich media.

Please visit our Trac site for source code & bug tracking. In the upcoming weeks, we'll be adding more information on deployment and customization.




Mike Krieger (author of django-courseapp)
Joel Brandt & Marcello Bastea-Forte worked on previous iterations of studio software
Scott Klemmer (oversees project and is instructor for class the software was designed for)