principal researcher

Dr. Manu Kumar has a Ph.D. in
Computer Science (
HCI) from
Stanford University. Prior to joining Stanford, Manu started two successful companies - SneakerLabs, Inc. which developed web-based customer interaction tools and iMeet, Inc. which developed webconferencing software. Manu served on the Board of Directors of Netspoke, Inc. a company which provides both audio and web conferencing. Manu holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Honors and a Masters degree in Software Engineering and Business, both from Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters in Computer Science from Stanford University. He has worked on research, development and commercialization of interactive technologies ranging from chat, web conferencing, application sharing, distance learning, audio conferencing, and CRM applications. He holds one patent in this space with additional patents pending. His prior research has been in the area of automobile interfaces. For a more
detailed bio, please see his
faculty advisor

Dr. Terry Winograd is a professor of computer science at Stanford University. His primary area of research is human-computer interaction design, with a focus on the theoretical background and conceptual models. He directs the teaching programs in Human-Computer Interaction and HCI research in the Stanford Interactivity Lab. He is also a principal investigator in the Stanford Digital Libraries Project and the Interactive Workspaces Project and a founding faculty member of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (the ""). Terry was a founding member and past president of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. He is the author of several books including Bringing Design to Software and Usability: Turning Technologies Into Tools. Terry has been active with companies such as Google, Interval Research and Xerox PARC. For a full list of awards, publications, memberships and a detailed CV please consult his