Discussion Guidelines

Each student will co-lead one discussion during the quarter. Aim for 35 minutes. Feel free to send the course staff draft slides or an outline to get feedback, or swing by office hours. The night before your discussion day, submit a brief note that you are the discussant instead of your usual critique. Then, email the final version of the slides to the course staff prior to the start of class. The following is an example slide deck from last year.

Begin your assignment by defining a very clear learning goal for the class. What will students understand at the end of class that they may not have at the beginning? Decide on 3-4 key ideas from the readings that you would like the students to understand deeply, and structure your discussion strategy around that. As part of that, your discussion should accomplish the following:

Before class on the day of your discussion, read through all other students' critiques and weave ideas from them into your discussion, crediting the authors. The critiques are viewable through the course submission system after midnight. It's a nice way to encourage the excellent, thoughtful work that students do in writing their commentaries, and also bring those ideas and their authors into the classtime discussion.

Remember that we're in two rooms, so you'll need to be prepared to lead the discussion in each room. That means both sub-teams will need to be prepared to talk, as well as get the presentation running on their laptop. If you'll need a Mac presentation VGA adapter, bring one!

Finally, grade the student commentaries. We recommend grading before or right after class while everything is fresh. Don't spend a huge amount of time on this -- essentially, the goal is a "check", "check-plus", "check-minus" grading system, based on the depth of student's intellectual engagement with the paper's core ideas. In general, the majority of commentaries get a 'check', with exemplary commentaries getting a 'check-plus' and weaker ones getting a 'check-minus'. That said, this class is not graded on a curve, so any particular day may or may not match that general trend. Enter grades through the admin interface. Once you've completed this, please release the grades for the student commentaries and generate statistics for your discussion's assigned readings. You will have admin access for two days following your discussion day.

In evaluating your discussion, the course staff will use the following rubric:

Category Insufficiency Adequacy Proficiency Mastery
7 points
1: No meaningful questions raised about the reading in the public forum. 3: Questions and insights posed for discussion were straightforward extensions of the papers. 5: Raised questions and insights that demonstrated some critical thinking, but some points were somewhat shallow. 7: Raised questions and insights to the class that displayed clarity of thought and prompted new perspectives on the papers.
4 points
1: Students' commentaries were not integrated or barely integrated. 2: Students' commentaries were integrated in a surface-level fashion. 3: Students' commentaries reinforced the main points of the paper but did not add significant color or spark new discussion. 4: Students' commentaries were woven into the presentation to add color and perspective to the discussion points and spark in-class discussion.
Conversation and activities
7 points
1: Let the conversation drift, asked questions too open-ended and prompted a lot of dead time during discussion, or otherwise produced a poorer in-class learning experience. 3: Questions elicited a response but did not spur discussion. Activities were mildly useful in enhancing learning. 5: Guided the students' discussion toward active participation and conversation. Activities were well motivated. 7: Guided the students' discussion toward active participation and conversation. Activities increased engagement with material and broadened student's understanding of the subject.

Having problems? Let us know!