Date |
Topic |
Submit Commentary? |
Readings |
1 April |
Foundations |
We May Think, Vannevar Bush, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1945. |
3 April |
Ubiquitous Computing
Discussants: Will McGrath and Jon Bassen |
✓ |
Computer for the 21st Century, Mark Weiser, Scientific American,
September 1991, pp. 94 - 104. |
✓ |
Skinput: Appropriating the Body as an Input Surface, Chris Harrison, Desney Tan, and Dan Morris. CHI 2010. |
8 April |
Social Computing
Discussants: Daniela Retelny, Elaine Zhou, Parth Bhakta, Stephanie Nicholson |
✓ |
Evidence-based social design: Introduction Paul Resnick, Robert Kraut, Evidence-based social design: Mining the social sciences to build online communities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Read through Section 5. |
✓ |
Soylent: A Word Processor with a Crowd Inside. Bernstein, M., Little, G., Miller, R.C., Hartmann, B., Ackerman, M., Karger, D.R., Crowell, D., and Panovich, K. In Proc. UIST 2010. ACM Press. |
Research Group Partner Choices due at end of class
10 April |
Design & Creation
Discussants: Ethan Fast, Graham Roth |
✓ |
Getting the Right Design and the Design Right: Testing Many Is Better Than One, Maryam Tohidi, William Buxton, Ronald Baecker, Abigail Sellen CHI 2006. |
✓ |
Present, and Future of User Interface Software Tools, Brad Myers,
Scott E. Hudson, Randy Pausch, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction,
March 2000, pp. 3 - 28. |
15 April |
Discussants: Chris Lewis, Noam Ben-Avi, Ben Poyet |
✓ |
The Science of Design, Herbert A. Simon in The Sciences of the Artificial, 1969, pp. 128-159. |
✓ |
Pasteur's Quadrant,
Ch. 3, Stokes D.E., pp 58-89 |
Project Abstract Draft Due at 7:00am - Submit Online
17 April |
Discussants: Stephanie Young, Maurizio Calo Caligaris |
✓ |
Methodology Matters:
Doing Research in the behavioral and social sciences, Joseph E.
McGrath, in Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000, R. M. Baecker, J. Grudin, W. A. S. Buxton, S. Greenberg, ed., 1995, pp. 152 - 169. |
✓ |
Creative Hypothesis Generating in Psychology: Some Useful Heuristics, McGuire, W.J., Annual Review of Psychology, 48(1), 1-30. |
22 April |
Discussants: Sam King, Deniz Kahramaner, Matt Bettonville |
✓ |
HydroSense: infrastructure-mediated single-point sensing of whole-home water activity. Froehlich, J. E., Larson, E., Campbell, T., Haggerty, C., Fogarty, J., and Patel, S. N. Ubicomp 2009. |
✓ |
The infrastructure of experience and the experience of infrastructure: meaning and structure in everyday encounters with space Dourish, P., Bell, G., Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. |
24 April |
Discussants: Aakash Dhuna, Khaled AlTurkestani, Tyler Crimme |
✓ |
Enabling always-available input with muscle-computer interfaces. T Scott Saponas, Desney S Tan, Dan Morris, Ravin Balakrishnan, Jim Turner, James A Landay. UIST 2009. |
✓ |
Printed optics: 3D printing of embedded optical elements for interactive devices. Karl Willis, Eric Brockmeyer, Scott Hudson, and Ivan Poupyrev. UIST 2012.
Multi-Touch Systems that I Have Known and Loved, Bill Buxton. |
26 April |
Project Abstract Final Due at 7:00am - Submit Online |
Please sign up for Project Progress Meetings. |
29 April |
Global Citizenship
Guest Host: Terry Winograd (Michael at CHI)
Discussants: Wendy Lu, Jim Liu, Eric Feldman, Shane Hegde |
✓ |
Avaaj Otalo — A Field Study of an Interactive Voice Forum for Small Farmers in Rural India. Patel, N., Chittamuru, D., Jain, A., Dave, P., Parikh, T. CHI 2010. |
Can Technology End Poverty?. Toyama, K. Boston Review. Optional: entire issue framed around Toyama's article. |
The Design of Eco-Feedback Technology. Froehlich, J.E., Findlater, L., and Landay, J.A. CHI 2010. |
1 May |
Guest Host: Jeff Shrager (Michael at CHI)
Discussants: Francisco Guzman, Tiffany Dharma, Jingshu Chen, Calvin Fernandez |
✓ |
Exploring and Finding Information.
Peter Pirolli. Chapter 7: HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks. |
Technology: From Pointing to Pondering. Stuart K. Card and Thomas P. Moran. ACM conference on the history of personal workstations 1986. |
6 May
Social Computing
Discussants: Zheng Shen, Nicholas Stevens, Stephen Young, Sarah Dapul-Weberman |
✓ |
Predicting tie strength with social media. Gilbert, E. and Karahalios, K. CHI 2009. |
✓ |
The anatomy of a large-scale social search engine. Damon Horowitz and Sepandar D. Kamvar. WWW 2010. |
8 May |
Discussants: Ningxia Zhang, Dersu Abolfathi, Hannah Hironaka, Eric Yurko |
✓ |
Games with a purpose Luis von Ahn. IEEE Computer, 2006. |
✓ |
Instrumenting the crowd: using implicit behavioral measures to predict task performance. Jeffrey Rzeszotarski and Aniket Kittur. UIST 2011. |
13 May |
Design Process
Discussants: Ahmed Aljunied, Yinan Na, Giancarlo Daniele, Heidi Wang |
✓ |
Design-oriented human-computer interaction. Fallman, D. CHI 2003. |
✓ |
Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Self-Efficacy Dow S.P, Glassco A., Kass J., Schwarz M., Schwartz D., Klemmer, S. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 11(4), 2010. |
15 May |
Design Tools
Discussants: Andy Elder, Borui Wang, Humin Li, Matthew Alexander |
✓ |
Reflective physical prototyping through integrated design, test, and analysis. Björn Hartmann, Scott R Klemmer, Michael Bernstein, Leith Abdulla, Brandon Burr, Avi Robinson-Mosher, and Jennifer Gee. UIST '06. |
✓ |
Webzeitgeist: Design Mining the Web. Kumar, R., Satyanarayan, A., Torres, C., Lim, M., Ahmad, S., Klemmer, S. R., and Talton, J. O. CHI 2013. |
Pilot Study Exercise at end of class on May 15th |
20 May |
Discussants: Chloe Yeung, Omosola Odetunde, Elaine Chen |
✓ |
Designing the Whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior. Andrew Ko and Brad Myers. CHI 2004. |
Example-Centric Programming: Integrating Web Search into the Development Environment.
Brandt, J., Dontcheva, M., Weskamp, M., Klemmer, S.R. CHI 2010. |
22 May |
Discussants: Alice Feng, Clayton Montgomery, Roberto Goizueta |
✓ |
Being There. Jim Hollan and Scott Stornetta. CHI 1992. |
Social translucence: an approach to designing systems that support social processes. Tom Erickson and Wendy Kellogg. TOCHI 2000. |
27 May |
NO CLASS - Memorial Day
29 May |
Intelligent User Interfaces
Discussants: Daniel Ho, Kyle Dumovic, Stanley Tang |
✓ |
SUPPLE: automatically generating user interfaces. Krzysztof Gajos and Dan Weld. IUI '04. |
Amplifying community content creation with mixed initiative information extraction. Raphael Hoffmann, Saleema Amershi, Kayur Patel, Fei Wu, James Fogarty, and Daniel S. Weld. CHI 2009.
3 Jun |
Discussants: Le Yu, Megan Kanne, Max Meyers |
✓ |
Information Visualization (Ch. 1), Stuart K. Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, Ben Shneiderman in Readings
in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999,
pp. 1 - 34. (FilmFinder video, Treemap video, book website) |
Mapping Text with Phrase Nets Frank van Ham, Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda B. Viegas. IEEE InfoVis 2009.
5 June |
Discussants: Lao Thao, Scott Khamphoune, Andrew Dotey, Marie Feng |
✓ |
Cognitive Control in Media Multitaskers. Ophir, E., Nass, C., Wagner, A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.. |
Models of attention in computing and communication: from principles to applications. Horvitz, E., Kadie, C., Paek, T., Hovel, D. Communications of the ACM 46(3), 2003. |
10 June |
Project Papers Due at at 7:00am - Submit Online |
12 June |
Project Presentations · 8:30am – 11:30am, Wallenberg 124