
Week Tuesday (Lecture/Studio)
Meyer Forum, Room 124
Wednesday (Laboratory)
Thursday (Lecture/Studio)
Meyer Forum, Room 124

April 1

Course Introduction

Topics: Intro, overview of communications, brainstorming

Due: Course Application (at 7pm)

Assign: P1 Thoughtless Acts

P1 Grading Rubric


April 2

CS 247L: Hands-on: Exploring communications


April 3

Observation and Studio: P1 Discussion

How to: observation, interviews.
P1 Poster Session
Choose P2 group.

Due: P1 Thoughtless Acts (due at the beginning of class)

Due: P2 Group formation (due before end of class)

Assign: P2: Immerse Yourself in the Technology and Observe

P2 Grading Rubric

Read: Suri excerpts, Thoughtless acts site, d.school on observing

Optional Reading: How Ethnographic Work Convinces


April 8


Due: P2 (at noon)

Topics: p2 review; Needfinding. Chose P3 group.

Assign: P3

P3 Grading Rubric

Additional Reading: Implications for Design

April 9

Due: P2 Individual Reflection (by end of day)

CS 247L: Intro to realtime web frameworks.

April 10

Topics: Sketching

Guest Lecturer: Bill Verplank


April 15

Topic: P3 Presentations, Ideating + P4 Guidelines

Due: P3 (due at noon)

Choose final groups

Assign: Final Project
Milestone 1: Generate Many Ideas

April 16

CS 247L: Code Prototyping- Web Audio and Web-GL

April 17

Topics: Refining Ideas; Moving from many ideas to few. Storyboards and skits.

Due: Milestone 1 (at noon)

Assign: Milestone 2: Narrow and refine through storyboards and skits.


April 22

Topics: Prototyping: Improv, bodies and bodystorming; skits.

Optional Reading: Interaction Relabelling and Extreme Characters


April 23

CS 247L: Meet the Coaches

d.school atrium


April 24

Topics: Skits; Wizard of Oz Testing

Due: Milestone 2 (at noon)

Assign: Milestone 3: Report on WoZ Testing


April 29

Topics: Prototyping, project management. Working in teams. Making work visible.

Guest Lecturer: Julie Stanford

Assign: Final Project

Read: What do Prototypes Prototype?


April 30

CS 247L: Mobile prototyping (wire framing and web-mobile frameworks)

May 1

Topics: Functional prototyping. What to prototype and why.


Guest Lecturer: Mia Silverman

Due: Milestone 3 (at noon)

Assign: Milestone 4


May 6

Topic: User Testing. Human subjects approval. Recruiting users and diversity.

May 7

CS 247L: Video Prototyping

May 8

Topics: In-class studio: Wizard of Oz Testing - Show us your functional prototype


Due: Milestone 4 (at noon)

Assign: Milestone 5


May 13

Topic: Analyzing data from user testing

May 14

CS 247L: Brainstorming Techniques

May 15

Topics: Reporting on user testing

Due: Milestone 5 (at noon)

Assign: Milestone 6


May 20

Topics: Design Process, HCI Career Panel

May 21

CS 247L: Visualization


May 22

Topics: Show us your function prototype 2

Due: Milestone 6 (at noon)

Assign: Milestone 7


May 27

Topic: Effective presentations. Storytelling. Elevator pitches, multimedia storytelling.

May 28

CS 247L: P4 Support Clinic

May 29

Topics: Working demos; practce pitches.

Due: Milestone 7 (at noon)


June 3

Studio: P4 Demos

June 4

6pm: Milestone 8: Final Presentations

Location TBA



Final Presentations - Wednesday June 4th, 6-8:30pm, Cubberley Auditorium

Class Grading Breakdown:

P1 Thoughtless Acts (individual) 5%
P2 Observing Communication (group) 15%
P3 Programming exercise (pairs) 15%
P4 Course project (group) 55%
Course Participation 10%


Please feel free to e-mail us at cs247@cs.stanford.edu if you have any questions.