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Stanford University Winter Quarter 2009/2010
Terry Winograd - Wed 10-12, Gates 388
Bill Verplank & Hayes Raffle by appointment
Akshay Kothari - Wed 5-6, d.school
Maria Sandberg - Tues 3.15-4.15, Wallenberg

Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:15-3:05
Wallenberg 124/127

CS 247 is a theoretical and practical exploration of Human Computer Interaction design.

Successful participants will become well-versed in the utility of observation, idea logs, brainstorming, bodystorming, personas, heuristic evaluations, end user testing, iterative prototypes, design presentations, etc -- and have practical experience using these techniques for design projects.

Guest lectures will include talks from SimCity creator Will Wright, interactive artist Scott Snibbe, and IDEO co-founder Bill Moggridge.

We offer an optional 1-unit lab covering design and implementation tools relevant to the course. We intend the lab to extend and enrich the academic content of the course!

There are no formal prerequisites for CS 247, but either CS 147 Introduction to HCI or ME101, Visual Thinking is recommended. CS106a is also recommended.


CS 247 2006 summary video (courtesy of Mike Krieger). Full-sized version here.

2010 Final Projects
Castle Quest
Farm Story
Fraction Climber
Haiti Helper
Sonic Slime
Team Macho
Wild Wings

Please feel free to e-mail us at cs247@cs.stanford.edu if you have any questions.