clicked_README.txt Group Name: clickEducation Group Members: Krister Johnson, Jake McKinnon, Gordon Dean, Tyler Sorensen, Arshin Jain App Name: clicked Mobile Installation Requirements: Requires iOS 9.1 or later. Compatible with iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. Recommended for use with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. Installation Instructions: 1. Prepare your phone, your computer, and a USB cable to connect the two. 2. On your computer, go to our team website at 3. Scroll down a little to see the heading "Try Out Our App" 4. Click the "Download IPA" button 5. Connect your phone to your computer, and iTunes should automatically open. 6. Drag the .ipa file into iTunes and "clicked" should appear in your "Apps" tab. 7. Once iTunes syncs with your iPhone, you will be able to test the app. Implementation Limitations: For the most part, this app is fully implemented. A few additions that we might make going forward: 1. The teacher doesn't have the ability to modify their own identifying information (e.g. name) 2. Transition backend away from parse. How to use the mobile app - you need to use both teacher and student sides of app: 1. Sign-in as and Password: "2" to access our default teacher account. 2. Either create a class or choose a class already in the list. 3. Taking note of this 5-digit code, go back to the home screen and sign-up as a student. Then add that 5-digit code to join the class. 4. Once the class has been joined, enter the class as the student and send in 2-3 questions or +1 an existing question. 5. Go back to the home screen and go back to the teacher side. Now, when you enter the class you created, the questions should appear. 6. As a teacher you can mark questions as addressed. 7. Going back to the student's side, the question that you marked should appear as addressed. 8. As a student, you can resolve those questions. 9. Feel free to explore all the different interactions, including muting the thread and whispering the teacher. Web We implemented web for Hi-Fi 2, and then extended the functionality for Hi-Fi 3. Because of this the web interface is a little rougher, and could still use refinement. All the non-feed functionality hasn't been tested in the field yet. Installation Instructions: Follow the web link under "Hi-Fi 3". This should start up the website. Note that, currently, this automatically gives you a pre-populated user with classes that have students and questions (just click log in). The web app would work fine without this as well, but a newly created user wouldn't have the classes or students to show off other features. Implementation Limitations: This part of our product isn't nearly as far along or well-tested as our mobile app, and is probably rougher still, as it was primarily written by someone just learning javascript and CSS alongside this class (taking 142 this quarter). Likely extensions include: 1. The teacher doesn't have the ability to modify their own identifying information (e.g. name) 2. The feed doesn't provide custom filtering or sorting that some teachers mentioned could be useful. 3. The interface could use improvement - it's very blocky and doesn't necessarily make the best use of all the screen real estate available on a desktop computer. 4. Backend improvement for intelligent updating of the feed - though Arshin had done something with the backend to make it more responsive (not periodic refresh), it still needs a decent number of changes to get working. 5. On both the mobile and the web, there is no way for the teacher to give text feedback (though it's commented out on the web to keep it symmetric). Going forward we might want to include this on both mobile and web.